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The Cloudconfig feature was introduced with BitNinja version 3.4.0.

With the CloudConfig feature, BitNinja users can conveniently manage all configurations right from the dashboard. Additionally, this feature allows users to modify server configurations in bulk. You have the ability to set configurations at the account-level, server group-level, and even at the server-level. This simplifies the process of deploying BitNinja on a new server as you can create a server group and easily add the new server to the group.

How it works


Every server-level setting can be done on the server-group level or on the account level. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. Server-level
  2. Group-level
  3. Account-level

This means you can override the account-level settings with server group-level settings, and the account-level and server-group-level settings can be overwritten by the server-level settings.

Config files

All config files will be located at the corresponding module's directory at /etc/bitninja/ModuleName/ as .ini files.

Configurations downloaded from the cloud are validated against the Agent Configuration JSON Schema. Once the agent downloads the cloud config (when a module is enabled and also when the agent starts), and it is valid, then the downloaded configuration is persisted under /etc/bitninja/.

You have the option to modify module configurations either from the BitNinja dashboard or directly on the server. However, please note that any changes made on the server will be overwritten by the settings on the dashboard if you modify a setting on the dashboard or if there is a new BitNinja agent released.


To synchronize the locally modified settings with the dashboard and save them, use the following command:

bitninjacli --syncconfigs

It is also recommended to reload the configuration of the module to make sure the modifications take effect if you modify the configuration file directly.

bitninjacli --module=ModulenameHere --reload